About Us

The Private Education Council in Somalia (PEC) is a not-for-profit council of the private education Umbrellas/Institutions and schools around the Somalia including Banaadir Region founded in 15th October 2020 with The Seven Private Educational Umbrellas/Institutions and helps ensure quality in private schools by monitoring and approving organizations that accredit the various non-public elementary, Primary and secondary educational institutions in Somalia and also helps Somali educators to lead with vision, wisdom, courage and integrity.

The Purpose of the Private Education Council in Somalia (PEC) is to assist the Private education institutions and Schools by assuring the educational quality and the unifying voice of the private education in Somalia. Though Many private schools in Somalia believe it is desirable to seek accreditation as a means of strengthening their programs and facilities to assure the community that the established mission, vision and philosophy of the school is being fulfilled.

PEC members shall have access to a robust range of opportunities to explore new education innovations, participate in industry led initiatives, and seek collaborative partnerships in the academic, continuing education and training sectors.

The Private Education Council in Somalia (PEC) is the only national council that exclusively represents the private education programs in Somalia.

Education Over the last Thirty years, PEC Members have produced and circulated hundreds of thousands of students including the Emergency, pre-education, primary and Secondary students. Educating and encouraging to parents, school principals, Teachers, school board members, and others who affect the education programs.

Private schools set high standards and assure direct accountability.

For all their diversity, private schools share a number of essential characteristics in common. Chief among these is the fact that private school enrollment is always a function of choice.

This means that the relationship between families and the schools they choose is strictly voluntary. If a private school fails to meet or exceed the expectations of the families it serves, the option of withdrawal and enrollment in other private or public schools can always be exercised.

Competition for scarce resources in an open market environment dictates that private schools establish and maintain high standards and commit themselves to the constant pursuit of excellence. The very nature of private education promotes direct accountability of schools, teachers and administrators to the parents and students they serve.

The effectiveness of a private independent school finds its roots in a strong school board
The primary responsibility of a board is setting the mission of the school, hiring and overseeing school head, and keeping a close eye on the fiscal health of the school. A challenge for any school board is to set the proper boundaries and responsibilities between the board and the school management team. If the boundaries and responsibilities are not made clear, it is likely the school will experience issues that could potentially cause serious damage to the school.

Some of the issues that can prove fatal to the effectiveness of a board include:

  • • Micro-management of Administrators and Staff
  • • Board Members with a single-issue agenda
  • • Improper chain of communication
  • • Lack of information provided to the Board
  • • Poor quality information provided to the Board
  • • Members acting as individuals instead of a governing body

What Are Private Schools/Institutions?
Private schools are non-profit independent schools that are independent in philosophy: each is driven by a unique mission. They are also independent in the way they are managed and financed: each is governed by an independent board of trustees and each is primarily supported through tuition payments and charitable contributions. They are accountable to their communities and are accredited by state-approved accrediting bodies.

The success of a private school is dependent upon putting together an effective strategic plan.
Your strategic plan should maximize strengths, reduce weakness, and anticipate challenges that are found in the ever-changing educational environment. In order to start a plan a school must be willing to make an honest assessment of their current performance and be willing to make changes and improvements. The importance of strategic planning cannot be underestimated. PEC has made strategic planning, one of the four pillars of success and has created a library of information to help member schools build the road map for success.

The benefits of a good strategic plan include:

1. Creating a shared vision and mission. The plan will allow for current examination of the mission and bi-laws of the school. A new focus, direction and energy can be put into a strategic plan, while keeping the positives and identity of the school.

2. Creating a framework of communication and decision making. When a school is communicating properly, short term and long-term decisions will become more effective for long term success. Governance and management responsibilities must also be clear within the plan.

3. Creating a road map and prioritizing. Within a plan, there will be objectives that need to be properly prioritized. A step-by-step guide of objectives and timing of completion will keep a school on the track for success.

4. Allocation of resources. A private school generates revenue through tuition and fundraising. Since resources can be scarce at times, the proper allocation of those resources becomes very important to a strategic plan. Realistic assumptions should be made for matching available revenue with the goals of the strategic plan.

5. Monitoring success. A good plan is the completion of a series of stated objectives. The plan must include short term and long-term evaluation of completed objectives. With proper monitoring of the plan, surprises will be minimized and adjustments can be made to keep the plan on track.

Academics and Researchers
The work of the PEC is of particular interest to academic researchers in a wide range of disciplines including:

  • • Political Science
  • • Sociology
  • • International Relations
  • • Peace Studies

The PEC works with universities and research institutes around the world and frequently assists graduate and post-graduate students with their research and data needs